Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Staying busy...

While growing up on the "compound" of Fort Jenkinsville [13 acres + 5 families (different houses) =FUN!] My uncle Vance would constantly remind me that I was living "The good ol' days." Luckily the good ol' days don't end, they are just different. My sister Sariah has a quote on her blog that I love "Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am right in the middle of everything I ever wanted."
These are some of my recent good old days...

Constant occurance I mean CONSTANTLY everyday. Ridge on the table.
Loving the saggy diaper
Asher is great about dressing himself. Especially for a 3 year old. Sometimes he just grabs clothes that don't belong to him. I realized at Target the other day he was wearing Jay's jeans!

This picture is after he was told to change out of his church clothes. He obediently disappeared for a a few minutes & then came down in this. Those are not capris. They are Ridge's pants! I'm impressed he could zip and button the 12-18 month size pants!
I love this picture even though it's not composed very well. If Matt is home, that is where the boys are, even if he has a headache Matt never turns the boys away from snuggling. (Ridge is in there too under Asher.)
This NEVER happens so I had to take a picture.

For me it's a good ol' day when I accomplish a long overdue project. Exhibit A.
After clearing off the desk it was sad to see the calendar said MAY! Wow, June-September sure went by fast!
Exhibit B. One week later, it's still looking good.
The right month at the right time. My goal is to change it to November without having to go through exhibit A. again. My fabulous in-laws will be visiting so that's my little motivator.


Meredith said...

I am not looking forward to the day where Logan does the same thing as Ridge. Wyatt did it a lot sooner than Jackson ever did, and I can't imaging, and somewhat dread, when Logan will start climbing like that.

Way to go on keeping the desk clean; I did that to my room this week, and it's been clutter free for three days running! Go us!

Carie said...

I love that quote: right in the middle of everything I ever wanted.

You are right, these are the good old days. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that.

Whitneys said...

You wanna come clean off my desk?

Suzi said...

Your blog makes me happy!! I also love the quote you shared. Sometimes my life feels like an out of body experience, but I wouldn't want it any other way...HA!

Stefanie Stephenson said...

Well done with the clean up! And I can't tell you how much I love the Ridge crackin' picture. What a Jeppson boy.

Stefanie Stephenson said...

Oh, and by the way: those wee little birthday cakes of Rob's were quite a taste sensation, well the one we've had so far, which was actully quite shocking considering how the Chinese feel about sugar.

Norris Fam said...

I LOVE the little bum crack hanging out of the saggy diaper...too funny!