Monday, October 20, 2008


Conversation overheard between J & A. A: I am telling you said butt.
J: No, not that kind, the other but.
A: Daaad! Jay said butt!
J: No Asher there is 2 buts, I said the other one.
A: There's no two but t (es).
J: Yes there is.
A: Oh yes...(pause) I forgot! There IS two but (es).
It's a small victory when they can work important things like this out on their own.


Norris Fam said...

I know this isn't the same, but I remember saying the "F" word when I was little and when my dad got mad at me I said, "'s ok, I said QUOTE first."

He didn't think it was ok...EVEN IF I said "quote" first :)

Becca said...

Kids are so much fun!

Brenna said...

Small victory?? That is huge! Truly triumphant when the parent doesn't have to maintain the peace. Great pictures of them!