Sunday, August 31, 2008

Family Olympics, Primary talk & Time outs

Our kids LOVED watching the Summer Olympics. We were surprised how much they got into watching the "team show". One night Matt & I came up from the basement where we had been watching a movie in between events. What to our wondering eyes appeared, but Jay laying on the floor watching the women's marathon! We have no idea how long he had been there, but probably quite awhile. I wish I had a picture, because he had his arms propped behind his head and he informed us matter of factly that Romania had won the gold. Funny kid.
For one Family Home Evening activity we decided to have our own Olympics. J & A made posters with the Olympic rings, for our decorations. Our main events were the hurdles (jumping over a series of pillows) archery (shooting rubber bands at a target) and basketball/target practice (dropping bean bags into a plastic bin). It was a really fun night and the boys are still talking about their best scores and times.

Jay gave a talk on baptism in Primary last week (children's Sunday school.) He did a beautiful job and didn't need my help at all. The rest of the day and Monday he continued to recite it many times. In the car he asked "Do you want to hear about baptism Asher?" to which Asher replied, "No tanks, maybe next time." Jay will be a great missionary someday like his Uncle Seth.

Below is a series of the boys in time out. (They had gotten into a Costco tub of Tootsie Rolls while I was getting ready for church. Matt had already gone.) *Notice how younger brother A. likes to taunt older brother J. by sticking out his tongue.

Can't you just tell that Asher is feeling great remorse for his bad deed?


Kristin said...

You have such cute boys, glad to hear someone elses kids get timeout before church, got to love the day of rest.

Harmony said...

I love the family olympics idea! I bet your boys loved it! How cute is Jay giving a talk?! I can't believe Adi will be in primary this January and wil be doing that stuff. They grow up way too fast. Your boys are handsome, handsome, handsome!

Carie said...

That's hilarious: no thanks maybe next time.

Steph said...

I too love the family Olympics idea... I just might have to borrow that one. =)

Norris Fam said...

Very funny! How many tootsie rolls did they eat? And did the share with their littlest brother?

Brenna said...

It is so fun to see the kids get into the Olympics. Lily wants to be one of the syncronized(sp?)divers. I totally watched that womens marathon that Jay was watching. It was spine tingling when the gold medalist ran into the Birds Nest filled with people to run her last lap. We are so sad they are over!
I love that you captured the boys making faces at each other during time out. Classic.