Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Something you might not know about me

By the time Friday rolls around I am always excited. The first and obvious reason being the weekend and we get to have Matt/dad home all to ourselves for 2 days!

The second maybe not so obvious reason is because it is garbage day! ...
I'm strange I know. To me there is just something satisfying about getting ALL the garbage out of my house at one time. It only lasts a couple hours mind you, but (sigh) the peace I feel! I skip around the house singing "it's garbage day!"

Thursday night at our house is known as garbage night or "Garbage Eve."
On Friday morning I am running diapers & empty milk cartons to the curb in my pajamas or gym clothes up to the last nano-second. If Jay has a granola bar and the truck hasn't come yet, he's hoofing that bad boy outside to the cans. Call me what you want, I think of myself as quirky.

I recently learned that I need to spend a few teaching moments passing on my love for the garbage man to my children. (Strictly platonic). I've taught them to wave and say "thank you!" They are very good at that. It was this I wasn't expecting:

A recent exchange between me & my 3 year old.
A: I want to watch the garbage truck come.
Me: Okay, here it comes!
The truck stops at our house loads the gunk then pulls up to the next house.
A: Mom! We need our garbage back!
Me: No we don't need our smelly garbage!
A: Yes we do! (chasing truck & yelling) Yes we doooo! WE NEED OUR GARBAGE BACK!


Meredith said...

Hilarious! I wish I had your enthusiasm about trash....we sometimes forget to take it to the curb and then have to let it sit there a week! I HATE when we do that!

And what a cute story about Asher. So silly!

I hope Jackson is good for you today! Thanks for calling to check in on them! :)

Sariahfied said...

This does not suprise me at all. You and brenna both got that excessive compulsive gene, where is mine? It is so hard for me to stay organized and clean (my house I mean:)love ya

Carie said...

YOU ARE Hilarious. "Hoofing that bad boy outside to the cans . . ."

Very very funny.

And you are right: something I didn't know about you!

Darci said...

Hey Jamey this is Carie’s little sister Darci, don’t worry I’m not lurker. I don’t check your blog very often, only when I need a good laugh. I agree with Carie, YOU ARE Hilarious! Clever, so clever!
p.s. that potty training quote cracks me up!

Stefanie Stephenson said...

"Quirky" I guess that's a good name for you. Guess what!? Exactly one more month and you'll be on the beautiful islands of Hawaii with US!! Wahoo!

Steph said...

I LOVE IT! I can so see you skipping around singing the garbage day song... I might have to start doing that too. I love garbage day too, I have not yet, however, dragged my kids into it yet, I should probably do that too.

Hope today was an excellent Garbage Day!!!! =)

Harmony said...

You are too funny Jamey. I love it.

flem-fam said...

Hmmmm... not very surprising to someone who lived with you for three years. Clean freak!

Terra said...

So funny! I love garbage day too - there is something theraputic about having junk taken away forever!!!

Reed, Liz and the kids said...

I feel that way about yard trash. I love to get everything cleaned up and swept on yard trash day!

Rachel and Devan said...

This is the funniest story I have ever heard. I literally laughed out loud. I am new to this blog thing. I need to get a move on. Your family is so beautiful. I can't believe you have been married ten years! Where does the time go! xoxo -Rachel-