Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nadar Lección

Swimming Lessons Break-down...literally!
2 weeks
8 lessons
4 hours of instruction
$36.00 a kid

Jay loved swim lessons & is a little fish. He says he wants to be a life guard when he gets older. (Like his mother, in a very past tense.)
He loved going off the diving board and using his goggles to see all the legs from other classes under the water. (One class being a water aerobics class.) "What are they doing mom?"
He improved a lot & practiced when we'd go swim together for fun. He passed his level today and had a great time! Way to go Jay!

Here's Jay on the diving board. Look closely at the solitary figure on the white bench. That would be Asher, NOT swimming. I think it's funny. You can click on it to make it bigger.

The paper says PASS!

Here's the breakdown part:
Asher lasted 1 week, or 3 & 1/2 lessons, or 1 & 1/2 hours before he decided he didn't want to swim anymore. He seriously was LOVING lessons & doing fantastic, then bam, was done.

I wish I had my camera those first days, but didn't- so here are some pictures of him NOT swimming. I'll have to take some pictures at our neighborhood pool for proof, b/c the kid is a great swimmer when not being told what to do. That might have been part of the issue-- he gets that from his dad. (Matt is out of town for work, so I can write what I want...)

Ash wasn't allowed to leave the bench during lessons, unless he wanted to go swim with his class. Yeah...didn't happen.

Different day-Asher still NOT swimming.

This is of the pre-lesson safety talk. Notice Jay and our dear friends the Skinner kids listening and participating so nicely!

Such a cute funny boy. We'll definitely shoot for at least 5 out of 8 next year.


Sariahfied said...

SOOOOOOO funny! What a toot, just like my sweet lil Emmy! Way to go Jaydan on doing so well in your class! Chloe cant wait to swim with you in Carlsbad!

Meredith said...

That is so funny! Asher is so funny! And I'm actually very proud of you for holding your ground on the punishment, even though it meant our little guys couldn't play. (I don't think Jackson freaked out or anything, so you're safe!)

And way to go Jay!!!

heidi said...

i can testify that both jay and asher are fantastic swimmers. hopefully some of their aquatic talents will rub off on reagan...and me. i am a terrible swimmer. and let's not even bring up diving. i can dive into a bag of chips as well as anybody.

Suzi said...

HAHAHAHA....interesting how each is individual with their own unique personality. A little different for us. UNFORTUNATELY, swim lessons wasn't sitting on a bench, it was diving in the deep end away from all other swimmers and instructors. (Chronicles, Chronicles) I love the "eeekkkk" face!

Michelle said...

Wow! What a great swimmer Jay is! My boys start lessons in a couple of weeks...hopefully it goes okay!