Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Day of School--Aug. 17th, 2011

It's that time of year again! Asher started 1st grade. He was quite hesitant to go back to school but after his first day in Mr. Briggs' class he confessed that "I kinda like it mom."

We can't believe Jay is a 3rd grader, he is growing up so fast.

Ridge will start an extended day Pre-K in a couple of weeks
leaving me alone for 15 hours a week! Yikes, I haven't been alone in 8 years. It makes me a little bit sad but also excited, I know he will love it.

Here is Ash with Mr. Briggs. Truly an answer to prayer to be in this class he is WONDERFUL!
On the 2nd day he dressed up like a cowboy and is rumored to sometimes stand on the tables to give directions. Asher is loving every bit of it.

Jay was excited to be in Mrs. Park's class again. She was his 1st grade teacher and then moved to 3rd, so he was quite confident going in. He has mentioned several times that "I'm really liking 3rd grade so far!" Hooray!

Ridge is holding a caterpillar found on the way into the school. Asher told Ridge to make sure he didn't "kill it with his love."

Ridge joined right in with the pledge of allegiance, and managed to be quite gentle with the caterpillar.

First week of school was a success!


Steph said...

Mr. Briggs is AMAZING!!! So excited for Asher this year. Glad things are going smoothly so far. =)

Terra said...

Your boys are so cute! Love the signs they were holding up. Enjoy your time alone!

Norris Fam said...

Cute, cute, cute boys! So sad about your you get to pick new carpet??