Saturday, January 22, 2011

A tale of 3 Christmas's (prologue)

DECEMBER 2010 Part 1
Once a year Matt & I have a conversation that goes something like this.
Spouse 1: You know we've never stayed home & had Christmas day in our own house.
Spouse 2: I know, we've been married almost __ amount of years now, do you think it's time for us to grow up and start our own traditions & just stay home this year?
Spouse 3: Well, it IS one of the only times of year the boys can be with their grandparents, cousins, aunts/uncles etc.
Spouse 4: Yes, and the drive isn't that bad or we could A, B, or C...

You get the idea. We love to be with our Jenkins & Jeppson families for Christmas. So one of our traditions that we unintentionally started was to have multiple openings of presents. This year we had 3. One at home in Lee's Summit, one at Muffin & Punkin Jenkins' house and one at Meme & Papa Jenkins. Of course the boys love it. I'm still sorting through the mass amounts of pictures Matt took with his new camera. Here are a few to perhaps get me motivated to catch up.

Gingerbread houses. The kids love decorating these things, then it SITS on my counter for 3 weeks taking up space. This year after X amount of days I gave the boys 5 minutes to eat as much of their creation as they could. They of course loved it and went to town. Then we threw the rest away. Win/Win.

Decorating the tree

Ridge & Mom

While at the compound in Carlsbad N.M. my grandparents were kind enough to let us stay in their "Mother-in-law" apartment. The boys called it "Meme's hotel". It was awesome, and literally just a hop, skip and jump to my parent's house.

65-75 degree weather is perfect for cracking pecans.

Christmas Morning in New Mexico

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