Friday, October 8, 2010

Matt the tailor makes snake chaps

When Matt was bitten by that blasted-(blankety blank-blank ) copperhead snake 2 years ago, I became somewhat more protective/crazed about where & when I let the boys go on outings with their dad. *Edited to add: Jay just asked me what blankety blank blank meant...

Soooooooo, last Christmas Matt and Grandma Wendy got the boys this lovely fabric. What is it for you ask? It is special material that snake fangs cannot penetrate to help keep our little ones' ankles safe while they are out and about.

Here is Matt hard at work at my sewing machine (which was happy to see the light of day. ) He set it up and finished his projects within a month. Now if I can just get him to put everything away that would be great. At our house the rules are pretty much "Your project, your clean up." *I have several of my own projects hanging around.


Hard at work. (Enter song: Can't help, lovin' that man of mine. Show Boat)

Modeling the finished product. This one is for Jay. Each boy now has their own pair of snake-chaps. I'm not sure if that is the real name or not but that's what I'm calling them.


Meredith said...

Good for you being more "crazed" about the outings. I wouldn't call it crazed; I'd just say you're buckling down a bit...bringing Matt back to planet Earth where snakes aren't cute little puppy dogs. Hee hee.

I'm very impressed with the chaps. Way to go, Matt! Good luck with getting him to put it away (Eric is the SAME way...must be a guy thing!)

Jeppson Clan said...

Just a note from Matt... the sewing machine in question was cleaned up the same day this was posted, without knowing about the post or its contents!

Holly Ogden said...

I am so impressed with Matt's sewing capabilities. I have some pants that need hemmed, can I send them your way?