Saturday, October 16, 2010


Today I ran 13.1 miles with 2 of my dearest friends, (and also about 20,000 other runners.) We've been training for 10 weeks so technically that's a LOT of miles under our belts.
I had some training issues this go round but today was pretty much the perfect race. The weather was gorgeous. The course was beautiful. Tiff & I beat last year's time by a lot which was our goal. It's a wonderful feeling to set a goal and accomplish it, especially when so much of it is a matter of the mind being stronger than the body.

Here are some pictures from our adventure.

Carie, Me & Tiffany running to the race (picture taken by T's husband Jason who ran the 5k and did awesome.) We could NOT find a parking spot. We were desperate enough to park in a Handicapped spot. At the last minute a parking attendant let us park in "his worker's" spot. Tender mercy.

This is the last bit of the race, I am looking around for Matt & the boys.

This is right when I saw my family. I teared up several times through the race. So much of the experience is very inspirational. Each runner has a story. BUT, the joy I felt seeing my sweet boys and husband waiting for me, surpasses all that.

Family shot with pretty flowers. Asher just wanted to see my medal.

We did it!

Talking to Ridge. He kept asking "Tiffany, are you a racer?"

Last year the weather was really cold so I was prepared for this year just in case.
Mom do you remember making me that blanket when I was at BYU?

Holding up our official times.

Playing in the fountains at Crown Center after the race.

This one is my favorite. Look at those cute faces having so much fun.


heidi said...

WOW! way to go! you guys all look great. i wishwishwish that i could have been there. next year. and if i can't find a chocolate chip cliff bar, i like "pure protein" protein bar in chocolate deluxe. it's not that great but only 180 calories. and it's better if you leave it on your dashboard for an hour or so whilst running.

Carie said...

It was such a great day! Couldn't think of better friends to do it with!

Steph said...

Great job Jamey! Congrats!!! =)

Kali said...

Way to go girl!!! You are a stud. AND yes! Def. need to get together so soon. P.S. Ry and I were laughing hard about the "virgin" comment. hahaha. love it.

Guin said...

Congratulations!!!! Way to go!

Reed, Liz and the kids said...

Way to go! I am starting my training in a week or two. Since we live on the surface of the sun, we don't do our race until Jan...before then and it is too hot to train. Come run with us!

Holly Ogden said...

You are amazing Jamey! That is a great accomplishment.

Meredith said...

Way to go, Jamey!