Sunday, May 2, 2010

Newest Quotes from Asher Nickolas

During family scripture study tonight we noticed Asher tugging on his arm. When asked what he was doing this was his reply. (We don't know where this came from.)
"I'm pulling off my gorilla fur. My gorilla furs are growing! Dey won't go away!"
He apparently was worried about a few long hairs he had growing on his arm. Funny Asher!
THEN, while we were kneeling down for family prayers he looked around our family and asked me this loaded question:
"How come you didn't want any girls to be your kid?"


Meredith said...

Oh Asher..if you only knew that you're momma wanted a girly! :) Too cute!

Love the gorilla fur. I think it's fun seeing the boys start experiencing more grown up things, like stinky boy smell, hair on the legs, etc. The teenage years are going to be F.U.N......

heidi said...

hahahaha! that's great. i can't seem to keep my gorilla fur off either!