Friday, October 23, 2009

Murder on Sunflower Drive

What you should do on the day of your 1/2 marathon: Host a Murder Mystery of course!

The suspects:
Heidi & Thomas aka Terra & Con-(niver)

Mustachioed Matt and I were the Major General and Missy/Rosie Glow

Mindy & Michael aka Anne & Les

Ben and Lavon aka Ham & Ashley

The dessert *13.1 stands for how many miles we ran that day. You can see how tired we look!

Thanks to the Morby's, Simpson's and Tonga's for being such great sports.


flem-fam said...

JJ - you're my hero! You've come a long way since when you used to walk to the donut shop for exercise!!!

Carie said...

SO fun! Love the costumes, you guys look awesome.

Because running a half-marathon is not nearly enough to fill a day . . .

heidi said...

it was so fun. i can't believe that we both stayed awake the whole time.
ps-i really enjoyed being the murderer. a dream finally realized.