Sunday, October 25, 2009

Asher Quick Quote

*Picture from Doughnuts with Dad Day at Preschool

"Quick Jay wun (run) away fwum the poopy monster!"

Me: Asher we don't talk like that!

"Quick Jay, wun away fwum de droppings!"

*Droppings is a term compliments of Matt. He is refined like that.


Brenna said...

Lily says, "Asher, babysitters don't control you, they play with you and bring movies.
Why do you talk potty talk? I try not to say potty talk. I like to say droppings now. You are 4 and I am 4. I miss you Asher, Jay and Ridge. When are you coming to California to visit us?" Love Lily

Kristin said...

LOVE IT! You made my whole night.