Friday, June 12, 2009

A 2 y(EAR) old is in the house...

Dear Mom,
Do you remember your blogging post about how I love to stick food in my ears? Well that should have been a hint of things to come. Luckily I am young enough that my second birthday probably won't scar me for the rest of my life.

Here's how we/I spent Ridge's 2nd birthday June 1st 2009.

Birthday Eve, Ridge starts saying "eea, eea," and constantly putting his finger in his ear. Matt decides to try superglue on a Q-tip, since he could see something in there. That didn't work.

Birthday morning I load up all 3 boys and head to the Urgent Care.

Ridge did wonderful for the first little while...

The doctor decides to irrigate the ear with water to try and flush it out.

2 irrigations...

A "scooper" thing, and another irrigation only lodged the object in further/farther. We are then referred to an E.N.T. (ear nose throat) specialist.

Here he is after the Urgent care visit. The poor guy was wiped out from screaming. I was too.

One hour later we went to the ENT, while my dear friend Tiffany graciously took our older two boys swimming.
Waiting patiently doing a puzzle.

The ENT specialist (who also removed my tonsils) declares he doesn't want to try to get it out with Ridge wiggling and so therefore, let's do an out-patient surgery the following day.

Ridge sitting on my donut pillow, eating a sugar free sucker. This visit was a breeze. Basically b/c they didn't do anything, but look in his ear.

I stop by Costco and pay $16 dollars for giant cupcakes b/c I am too wiped out to make anything, and by golly this kid is going to have some happy memories!

Next morning, signing himself in at the hospital.


20 minutes later it's out!

Here he is holding the specimen.

What is it you ask? An air-soft pellet. Yup. I think I'm going to work on a post tallying all of our doctor's visits since our wreck.

P.S. Ridge also shares his birthday with his Uncle Seth who is serving an LDS mission in Honduras. Love you Seth!

Just for memories sake,
I just took Jay to the urgent care and he has an ear infection with pus and everything. Poor kid.
Hopefully we are done with urgent care for awhile.


Meredith said...

Your house: ears. Our house: noses. I think we'll keep those ENTs in business!

I can't believe Ridge is already 2!!!! Happy Birthday to that sweet little man!!!

Holly Ogden said...

Poor Ridge, and poor Jay!

I hope you have a nice long break from the urgent care.

Carie said...

Who knew those tiny little pellets could cause such a headache?

As for me and my house, those little pellets cause me great grief: they get everywhere and are a pain to vacuum.

Becca said...

Poor Ridge! Happy Birthday, little guy! Those giant cup cakes look good. :)

Sariahfied said...

Bless his little heart, and yours! I am so sorry you have had to spend so much time at the doctors-hospital-physical- therapists offices! Love you so much and wish I was there to help!

Steph said...

Oh Jamey! Oh Ridge! What a bummer of a way to spend a birthday! Glad they were able to get it out though. Hope Jay is feeling better soon - and call if you need anything! =)

Norris Fam said...

Am I the only one who doesn't know what an air-soft pellet is?

I'm sure everyone loved the Costco cupcakes :)

Norris Fam said...! Syd was "scratching the inside of her ear with a pencil and the lead broke off" in her ear! Luckily (Dan informs me) they don't use lead in pencils anymore, they're graphite. I came to check your blog to refresh my memory of how everything played out with your "ear" situation. Luckily we have several ENTs that refer patients to us regularly...I'm sure we'll be paying one of them a visit tomorrow!!!