Monday, February 9, 2009

Road trip to Omaha

Last week we joined Matt for a work trip to Omaha, NE. We got to visit with our dear friends the Ogden's from Law School Days. It was fun to get away and be together as a family.
The day we left Ridge had a horrible cough. Holly watched the boys while I took him to urgent care where he was diagnosed with viral bronchiolitis (croup). Here is the sickie sleeping.

Our boys are crazy sleepers when not in their own beds. I walked in later and Jay was asleep on the floor, because the bed was "uncomfortable". Asher preferred the crack at the top of the hide-a-bed.

Holly also watched the boys while Matt & I escaped to the Winter Quarters temple. Wonderful.

We visited the Omaha Children's Museum which the boys LOVED. And also the Offutt Air-force base, where Aaron Ogden works. (He's a JAG, but we're trying to convince him to come work in Kansas City.)

Holly also fed us a lot while we were there. She is a wonderful cook & hostess. Ode to Holly. You are awesome!

A couple shots of the kids at the park. Jay & Lucy

Matt & the boys

Lucy, Jay & Asher

I thought A's expression here was funny.

My kids have declared the Ogden's house as the "funnest house ever!" We had a great time playing & renewing old friendships.
*As of today Ridge & I visited the Minute clinic and tested positive for strep throat, plus he also has an ear infection. I'm so sorry that we have been passing germs around to everyone. Especially cute little one year old Jake!


Becca said...

The children's museum looks like a lot of fun! And I'm glad you were able to go to the temple.

I hope you guys get well soon.

Carie said...

What a fantastic trip! We have many great memories as a family on little 2 or 3 day trips with Mark for work.


Norris Fam said...

I know I should feel happy, and I am really...yet, oh so sad at the same time! Maybe this office we're working with in Portland will help our girls trip come to pass SOON!

Meredith said...

So crazy...the last time the boys and I went with Eric on a road trip was to Omaha and Wyatt got croup! Nutso!

Glad you had a great trip! It's always fun to get away!

Brenna said...

Nothing like a refreshing trip to the temple. It is so hard for us to find babysitters when it is an all day event with traveling and what not. Lucky you have friends right there to help and visit with!
So sorry about the ickiness going around! No fun, for you or for Ash!