Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"good times & great oldies..."

That's the theme at my father's oldies radio station KCCC 930. Here are a couple of oldies for your viewing pleasure.
This was taken Junior year 1994 at Denney's, with my friend Amber (Fisher) Dahle. Don't ya just love up the wispy bangs with headband, floral shirt & braided belt?
Here we are again in my back yard about to load up in the Jenkins van to drive the 1 & 1/2 hours to Roswell, NM for a Stake dance. Amber wasn't LDS (or Mormon) at the time but she was so fun everyone loved her to pieces, plus she has some of the most awesome dance moves you've ever seen!
This is a picture of my best guy friend in High School, Jeremy Daniel & behind us is the mighty Pecos River, nice Ray Bans.

Long story short, Amber found me on Facebook a few months back and we decided to get together over Christmas since we would both be in Utah. Jeremy also lives in Utah so we dragged him into our plan via his awesome wife Terra.

Here we all are at dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. It was really fun to get together. It makes me happy that my friends have wonderful spouses and are raising amazing families. Thanks for coming out you guys!

Yeah, that's a toked up, I mean rolled up piece of paper, like I said we had fun.

We also tricked the Dahle's into coming over for New Year's Eve. Once again good times were had. Craig, Amber's hubby karaoke(d) "Somewhere over the rainbow" and even though he was joking around, the guy can sing! He also played with Ridge a lot which won my approval! So with Amber's dance moves and Craig's singing look out. Oh, if you get a chance, you must watch their "Don't give up" video. The link is here.

Rock Band 2

I'm off to go cut some wispy bangs...


amberd. said...

That is so awesome you put this on your blog! Woo hoo! Seriously...we had so much fun. And I know nothing about joints...even if I look like I do. I'm so glad I found you again. You are a wonderful example and have a beautiful spirit. It was fun to be around you. Matt's ok too. We love your kids. I think Cdahle is thinking of stealing your baby....so watch it. And don't think your rid of us....we'll be taking you to a concert in the very near future. *giggle* Love ya!

Carie said...

So fun to catch up with old friends.

Sariahfied said...

I am jealous!! How fun! I also am loving the shirt or dress you have on! Soo pretty! I miss you!

Brenna said...

Oh my gosh how F-U-N!
I so remember that floral shirt and wanting to borrow it. I don't think you ever let me...thank goodness!! HA!
Amber and Jer you guys look great!

Norris Fam said...

Ok...that just about convinced me on the face book thing. However, you never sent me those articles you were talking about...

How fun to meet up with old friends. (you look great then and now by the way :)

Meredith said...

So fun! And I totally want rock band!

Heather said...

How are those new bangs treating you. Don't forget to put the side bow in we all had to wear. HMM maybe just amber and i got that torcher