Sunday, January 11, 2009

Asher quick quote:

Me: Will you please flush the toilet?

A: I'm not feewling (feeling) bewry (very) well to flush the toilet.


amberd. said...

haha! Lincoln tells me his hands are tired so i should come in and wipe his butt for him AND flush the toilet! lol! hilarious!

when is your new year eve post coming? I sent you some great pics girl! i've got great videos as well...but hard drive crashed on the pute. I'm on the crappy lap top. When it gets fixed I'll send those over! Way fun night!

Jeppson Clan said...

I know I need to get that up, I'm still playing catch up and I just posted 9 posts on my brother's mission blog. I'm beat! I'll get them up don't you worry your pretty little head about that!

Kristin said...

My three year old called me in the other day to help him aim, saying how he didn't want to wash his hands afterwards.

Meredith said...

LOL! That kid cracks me up!