Thursday, November 13, 2008

Matteo turns 33!

The night Matt was born back before the days of the Ultra sound, the doctor announced "Looks like you've got yourself a Halloweenie!" And thus 33 years later the saying/joke still doesn't get old. As a kid Matt loved having his birthday on Halloween, candy and parties and presents what kid wouldn't love that?
We were lucky this year to celebrate Matt's birthday with Mom & Dad Jeppson who flew in to visit. We had a great time being together. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of them on Matt's special day. (Sorry guys, I'm a slacker.) Just pretend you can see their cute faces in these shots.

The "bag" books are a charming set of books that were Matt's as a kid. Mom & Dad brought them and our boys LOVE hearing all about the lunch bag, travel bag, medical bag etc.

Here is Asher trying to get in on some of the birthday boy's stash.

This is the pumpkin that Jay carved. All by himself! This is the front face.

And this is the back face. Notice the darling eyes and mouth. Jay was quite pleased with himself. So cute!


Holly Ogden said...

Happy happy birthday! I don't think the halloweenie joke will ever get old. hilarious!

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday to Matt! And I loved the pumpkins! Your kids are super cute!

Brenna said...

The "GET CANDY" face on Asher is awesome!

Norris Fam said...

heee, heee...Halloweenie, I can't stop laughing!