Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matt's allergies

*Warning: This post will probably only be of interest to us and maybe some of our immediate family.

Good news! Matt was able to get his allergy testing done yesterday (despite not much improvement on his breathing test.) He was off the charts allergic to ragweed & sagebrush, which we expected. It's just nice to know & get started on our treatments.

I took the boys with me, to get my shots while Matt was being tested. Here are Ridge & Jay looking cute together. They were pretty well behaved considering we were all crammed into a small exam room. We ended up leaving earlier then Matt due to Asher falling off the rolling chair and majorly smacking his head on the floor. Poor guy.

Ragweed is upper right corner. It got even bigger as the time went on, but our camera battery died.


Nicole said...
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Lesta Sims said...

If you were notified that Nicole left you a message, it was really me. I didn't realize she had used my computer last, and had signed in but not signed out, so I deleted it.

That allergy testing is YUCK!
I'm glad you figured out the problem though. So, what meds did they put him on?

Heather said...

I feel for the both of you, I have had this test done several times. I don't do the shots I take some potions they make up. They are drops that increase daily and help build up my system.

Stefanie Stephenson said...

That's my brother, always off the charts. Have fun with the shots, I've tried them before but wasn't able to make it all the way through the serious due to my ever enjoyable surgery chaos!

Williamson's said...

Ouch!! They did mine on my arms, wish they would have done my back instead. I did the shots for about 2 years and now I'm fine. I'm not sure if it was because of the shots or because we moved to a different area. Good luck!!

flem-fam said...

Yikes! That looks horrible. But could your boys be any cuter?!?!