Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Out of the mouth of Asher

I have about 5 sheets of paper floating around our house that Matt & I use to write quotes down when the boys say something that strikes us as cute or funny. Here are a few of Asher's I thought I'd share.

*I smooshed dat spider dat good news or bad news?

*When I'm oder (older) I'll like olives. (2 days later) I wike (like) olives now.

*(Potty training humor Asher counting his successes) One, two, frwee...pause... frwee? dat's weirwd!

*It's pointy wike (like) a snail. Wook mom!
Me: O.K. go some more.
A: No tanks.

*While Jay was crying-- My bruddah, (Is Jay my bruddah?) Yes. My bruddah is crying like a baby and a giwrl. (girl)

*Family Home Evening lesson on the 10 commandments, or Heavenly Father's rules. Matt giving Ash a hint, tell the truth, or don't tell _(lies)__. "MOMMY!"
Matt says Shhh!

*Mom, what if a REAL monster came? Not a fake one?!

*After waving goodbye to Matt..."Mom, I wike (like) our daddy berwy much."

*My muscles are feeling bad. (he was sick).

*A: Whewr is Jay?
Me: In San Diego with daddy. You are here with me & Jay's with daddy.
A: Because you don't love Jaydan?
Me: No, I love Jay & I love you.
A: But we DON'T love Swiper! (cartoon character from Dora)

AND my most recent favorite:

* Jay asks: You're kissing a girl?!
A: No (sigh) but girls look wondewrful!!!

I think we're going to have to keep an eye on this guy.


Brenna said...

You are so great to write all of those down! I love the 'tell the truth, or don't tell Mommy' comment. Also how you write Asher's pronunciation down. So cute!

Norris Fam said...

Can't ya just wait to hear what good gossip he's going to spill to his primary teachers one day....they're the first to hear everything!

I love blogging because it helps us keep a record of things just like this (oh and if you want to send some brownies my way that would make MY dreams come true too)!