Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Conversations with Jaydan River

Me- (cutting a row of brownies)
J- WOW, is that all mine?
Me- In your dreams!
J- Dreams come true.
Me- You're right they do, but not this time.
J- (trying to convince mom to believe in dreams) But mom, dreams really DO come true!

*Mom, a girl at the dance, she had 9 cookies! She snooked them.

* I could do this all week!
(while demonstrating his newly acquired skill of hoola hooping)

*A Family Home Evening prayer:
"I thank thee for my family. (pause) Please help Asher to fold his arms, close his eyes, (long pause) and not peek.
And please help us to obey Heavenly Father & Jesus & not listen to Satan."


amberd. said...

Your DANG straight dreams really do come true! Oh man...funny. The prayer thing is really fun at our house too. My kids pray for that kind of stuff all the time. They also pray that their siblings can not be "brats" anymore. Lincoln prays..."Please bless that I can love Mommy. Please bless that I can love Sydney and so forth down through the whole family. It's pretty funny...because he really just trying to express his love for us to Father. I think it's sweet.

You have really cute kids by the way.

Carie said...

It is so fun to write these down. You always think 'Oh, I'd never forget that funny thing they said' but somehow, you do. I need to start keeping track of my kid's crazy comments. You're a good mom.