Monday, September 15, 2008

Jay's bad dream

EARLY this morning:
Jay comes in and taps me on the shoulder.
Jay: Mom, I had a bad dream.
Me: I'm sorry Jay, do you want to snuggle with me?
Jay: Do you want me to tell you what it was?
Me: Sure, if you want to.
Jay: I dreamed I turned into a bridge, (starts crying) and then.... I BROKE!

The GOOD news:
No one woke up with fevers this morning!


Meredith said...

ha ha! So sweet!

I'm glad you guys are getting better! Nothing is worse than a sick family! :)

Steph said...

Oh, that's so sad! Poor Jay.

I'm glad you guys are on the mend!

amberd. said...

hahah. Sorry to laugh...but that is hilarious! Hehehehe. I'm glad you wrote that one down. Kids are the best aren't they? lol! Today Lincoln came up to me in my bed and said....'MOM - your breath stinks!" I actually belted out in a major out loud laughing fit (because kids are soo dang honest and it makes me giggle.) Whilts I was laughing...he said - "It's not funny! You need to go brush your teeth!" Uhm...I just laughed harder and louder and through my giggles expressed that I would indeed go brush my teeth. hehehhehe

MissRochelle said...

I'm happy to hear your family is starting to feel better. We sure missed you on Sunday! (Tho everything went very smooth.)

Megan said...

Your little family is darling! I found your blog through Carrie's! I just love blogs! I have been able to reconnect with so many of our Iowa buddies! Come check us out sometime! :)