Sunday, June 15, 2008


Ridge got a haircut. Not his first, but we saved some of his hair this time b/c it is so blond!


Funny face, crazy hair. We honestly don't let him play with the light socket.

We've been spending a lot of time at our subdivision pool & playing outside.

3 count em THREE Rosy Boas (as in boa constrictors) arrived via

Such a nice package to receive when you are entertaining several friends at your home. Thanks mama Wendy for overnighting those things for your son! Good thing my friends were "just leaving." No, I did NOT open that box. It sat on the counter til Matt came home.

Boys holding 2 of the Rosy boas. Wait a minute...if three were in the box, and one came home on the plane in Matt's sock...does that mean we have 4?! MATT! "You got some 'splaining to do!" -Ricky Ricardo and Jamey

THEN later on in the week since I am the one home during the day, I of course got to bring in a big box from these guys:

In case you are wondering it had mice (fuzzies to be exact) to feed the (growing faster then I thought) zoo in their special room in an undisclosed space in our home.
It's AMAZING that I have any friends at ALL. Seriously!

Warning: If you come to my house do NOT open our freezer. And please don't tell anyone because I might get kicked out of my meal exchange group. What they don't know can't hurt them right?

I think my Jenkins/Jeppson family would tell you that I've come a LONG way since marrying Matt. The undercurrent of our first ever argument was over a Chuckwalla lizard...I gotta love the sinner not the sin. Ha ha.

Does anyone want to share why you had one of your first quarrels?


Whitneys said...

Sorry Jame, some of those mice in your freezer are mine. I need to come get them! (I won't tell Carie if you won't :)
You are a great sport though to live with creatures that creep you out. Man, if Jason ever started getting shipments of big nasty SPIDERS and kept them in cages in our basement, that would definitley start some arguments in this house! I would probably have to move out! (Maybe you could start collecting spiders just to get even with Matt but then I couldn't come visit!)
Also, Jason loves Ridge's hair short and spiky, but I have to admit, I love the longer softer look on him. He's adorable either way.

Norris Fam said...

Oh I remember the days living below the Jeppsons where we would regularly have crickets that somehow escaped the mouth of the lizard and came to our house for safety. Looks like Matt has moved on the bigger and better since then! Can you believe all the flooding in our old stompin' grounds? Are you guys ok where you are?

Meredith said...

Cutie pie Ridge! LOVE the haircut!

I cannot believe the shipment of snakes! It's crazy how people can learn to live with the insane-ness of their loved ones!

I'd have to say that our first argument was probably over my family. But I can happily/sadly say that we don't have to fight over that anymore!

Michelle said...

Wow Jamey! You are REALLY nice! I told Ben that we were in no way having any more pets after...the salt water fish, snake, dog and camillions. Luckily those were all before we had any kids. As for arguments, we probably have had so many that I can't remember for the life of me what the first one was about. :)

Jeanette said...

Our first quarrel was about brownies.