Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sprinkler System

Let's see... how can we trick Scott (Matt's super nice brother) into coming to Missouri to help put in a sprinkler system?

I know, let's buy a new car (2007 Accord-new to us) in UTAH, and then after having his parents sort through all the details of that for us, we'll ask Scott to drive it out here AND while he's here spend 3 days in Missouri clay installing sprinklers!

Scott's answer "sure, no problem."

We owe a huge thank you to Scott for being so willing to help us out, hopefully he can come back out soon and get that turkey hunting in. Also his sweet wife Kim is amazing for letting him come out and single parenting 3 kids, one being a 4 month old! How did we get so lucky to have such great family members? We owe you guys big time.


Meredith said...

they did a great job! And I love the song to your slide show!:)

Norris Fam said...

I think it's a good thing Matt got bit by that snake or his brother might not have felt sorry enough for him to dive in on such a project. Good thinking Matt...mercy help! :)

Holly Ogden said...

love the slideshow! how do you do that???

Carie said...

Nothing like taking capitalizing of family member's skills . . . we are well versed in that ourselves. (B.I.L. that is an electrician, another one who is a drywaller.)

Cute slideshow.