Monday, May 5, 2008

E.R. video

This is right when I got to the hospital, about 3 hours after his tag. Notice Matt's dilated eyes-- he was on serious morphine. He did go back to work today for most of the day so that was good. His first follow up Dr.'s appointment is tomorrow. He is currently driving the mini-van since his right arm is useless to drive stick or write, or do anything. The boy's and I are LOVING squishing into the Accord. Matt's brother Scott is arriving on Wednesday from Utah to help put in a sprinkler system. We will see how that goes...poor Scott.

I am SO thankful this last week of my life is done with. I am happy to have my hubby home safe with us where he belongs. Thank you so much for all your prayers, calls, emails and help with kids. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!


Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOO glad that things are 'better' and that you're all home together! I am seriously scared of snakes now (and I HATE emergency rooms)! AWESOME posts...

Carie said...

The difference in the hands is amazing . . . we are glad he is healing well.

Meredith said...

Holy cow! What a difference in size!

You know, one of the first things my father taught me about being out in the "wilderness" was to never just pick up rocks or logs, to step on them first or to kick them away. And he told me that because of snakes! I would have thought that Matt, with all his infinite knowledge on those creatures, would know better! :)

I'm just glad he's better now! And hopefully he's learned a lesson! haha

Steph said...

Oh my goodness!

I love how scientific he is about the whole thing though!

Glad he's on the mend and your life is semi- back to normal.

flem-fam said...

OH MY HECK, JJ!!!! I can't believe that happened to Matt! Actually, I can believe that it happened because it's Matt, but I'm so sorry that it did! That is so scary! I'm so glad that he's ok! I want to say that maybe this will keep him away from snakes for awhile, but, knowing Matt, it won't....

Holly Ogden said...

AWESOME!!!! you are my hero. It's like having a herpetologist tattoo. I'd get one but Holly won't let me... But seriously- dude- nice job!

Norris Fam said...

Why do I have the feeling that I'm going to see that guy on the Discovery Channel sometime soon!

I didn't know you guys had a mini-van I'm so out of the loop =)

Tera said...

Wow! Seeing the normal-sized hand gives real perspective on the amount of swelling. I'm glad he's ok.

Sariahfied said...

Chloe has watched this video a hundred times! She is so concerned about her uncle Matt

Harmony said...

It sounds like things are quite a bit better! I'm so glad to hear it. Scary scary. We've been thinking about you guys.

Shaun said...

And I thought getting "musked" by a snake was bad!!! Holy Crap!