Friday, April 25, 2008

Tagged by Sariah

I am doing this is b/c I love my sister Sari, and it's short.

Four places I go to over and over:
First is the gym a.k.a L.R.C. at the Community College-- I'm still working on my Ridge buddha belly.


3. Preschool for carpool
4. Costco I was there today in fact. As well as the gym, and Target. Hmmm, maybe I should branch out more.

Four people who email me regularly:
Meme my hottsie totsie grandmother, Carie S., Tiffany W., & Sari

Four places I like to eat:
Cheesecake Factory, Panera, Jack Stack BBQ, and on special occasions,

McKormick & Schmicks mostly for their "Chocolate Bag." It is filled with delicious white chocolate mousse and you can see the rest below. We're going on Saturday for our anniversary! *See previous post

Four places I would like to be right now:
At once?
Shopping, hanging out with friends, the Caribbean or anywhere tropical, (NOT Rhode Island Sari! Although I'm sure it's lovely over there)... & with all my family.

Two people who will respond (I'm tagging you!):
Anyone who wants to.

Five TV shows:
I only have one due to the fact that we don't have cable, and that would be...

And now you know a little bit more about me. Seriously Sariah, Rhode Island? :)


Sariahfied said...

Quit already, if you lived in the land of many m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, in the middle of nowhere, where the only green you ever see is on a traffic light, you would want to go to Rhode Island too! But who is complaining! That chocolate bowl thing looks delish!

Meredith said...

I live at Target and costco, too! And lately, our hideous garage because I got an elliptical (I find that it just does NOT work to have a gym membership at a gym where the boys refuse to stay in the daycare.)

I still have yet to try that choclate bag.

And we haven't celebrated our anniversary yet, either!

Jeppson Clan said...

You can fit an elliptical in your garage????
WHERE did you put it?

Suzi said...

MMMMMMMM...CHOCOLATE BAG! SOOOOO GOOD! I'm sure you absolutely enjoyed it? I'M JEALOUS! Yums...

Carie said...

I think we should have a joint simlu-blogpost about the gym. We should take pictures of all the cute oldies on the machines and everyone at bike class. We could also do our hair and a little bit of make up and pretend we always look that good at the gym.

Chocolate bag = manna from heaven.