Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm an aunt...again! ;)

Hooray for the Jenkins/Jeppson family. We've had 2 babies come to our family in 2008.
Scott and Kim Jeppson (who are such a fun couple) had baby Caden Jeppson in January and my cute sister Brenna and her great hubby Sean had Daisy Conroy (Jenkins) on Easter Sunday. We are so blessed that our family keeps growing.

Here is Carter and Annie Jeppson holding their new brother Caden. We can't wait to meet him this summer!

Daisy Patricia Conroy: born Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008.
Stats: 8lbs. 8oz., 21 inches long.
Hobbies include: daytime naps, nighttime parties
Favorite past time: milk drinking

I love Lily's face in the family shot!

Here is my cute mama~cita Jo Raye with Daisy and Brenna. I wish I could be there too!
Big sister Lily who they bribed with Jelly beans to take these pictures. Love that girl!

Other good news:
Our cousin Tommy Hand just received his mission call to Peru! Way to go Tommy!

I also have to brag about my brother Seth. He has been working on getting his mission papers put in, and is very excited to serve a mission.
Not only is he handsome but he is a good kid. I mean it, he has a good heart, he loves the Lord and he is very fun to talk to and be with. It always makes me sad that he was so young when I left home to go to BYU. I love you little brother!

So that's the end of my rambling this morning, but I guess that's what a Blog is for. I can write whatever I want and if you get bored you don't have to read it. Lucky us.

What a great family we have!


Steph said...

Beautiful babies! Congrats to Tommy, Peru sounds pretty exotic... and good luck to little bro Seth! Such fun and exciting new in your family this year!

Steph said...

oops, I means "newS"...

Anonymous said...

Wow! We were so excited to be included in your blog debut! Maybe next time I can make it on not wearing a hospital gown.
Congrats Scott & Kim! I can't believe how big your kids are...and beautiful too.

Jeppson Clan said...

Brenna, you made it on wearing a tu-tu instead of a hospital gown how's that?