Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 11, 2011

Sariah and I were lucky enough to fly to L.A. for 24 hours to participate in the temple sealing of my Grandma Nevada Hand to Grandpa Ted Hand who passed away last year. We stopped at the distribution center beforehand and Grandma kept oohing and aahing over Sariah's shoes and wanted a picture of them. :)

My father Nick & Grandma

The L.A. Temple

*During the sealing of Grandma to Grandpa, the sealer read a letter from Grandpa that I was privy to type up and witness last year expressing "Dear Bishop/Stake President/Temple President, I desire to be sealed to my wife and family for time and eternity. If for whatever reason I am not able to speak the word "yes" let it be known to all parties that I do say "yes" with all of my heart." signed Ted Hand

I didn't know if my heart could contain the joy of the happy occasion.
They also sealed Grandpa Hand to his mom and dad. Josephine Baker Hand, and Theodore William Hand Sr. The hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers...*

The girls before heading in to our endowment session. Inside we met up with our lovely Hand cousins, Uncle Bob & Aunt Sandy. We were starving after our early flight out of Kansas City and the 2 hour time difference so we stopped at the temple cafeteria for some breakfast.

Here is our group after the sealing. Front Row: Sarah, Jamey, Jo Raye, Nevada, Sariah, Guin, Paige, Tommy.

Back Row: Jason, Teddy, Allison, Nick, Sandy, Bob, Max.

My mother Jo Raye Hand Jenkins, Nevada Rutledge Hand and Bob Hand, now sealed for time and all eternity as a family to Theodore William Hand Jr.

We missed having Brenna (who just had baby Holly) and Seth (who just got engaged to Miss Krista Romney) with us.

Heading to the airport early Sunday morning. Don't be jeal' of my high bun!

We took the shuttle to LAX, so mom and dad wouldn't have to back track through CRAZY traffic. I think Sari was worried about the adventure but we made it home just fine.


Carie said...

What an amazing experience for you and your family!

Norris Fam said...

So neat! Never heard of someone with the name Nevada...I like it!

heidi said...

i was having a rough, cranky, families shouldn't be together forever kind of day and then i read this. thanks for the lovely reminder of our higher calling and wonderful families.