Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quick Quotes

In May, Asher lost his first tooth. Mommy pulled it out with floss and he was very brave.

Asher: "I kind of like the smell of gas... Pause...not the toot kind of gas, but the gas from a car. (Clarifying) I like the smell of gas from a car. "

Ridge very serious to mommy while she was driving, singing/clapping in the car: "Mom no clapping (cwapping)! If you clap (cwap) we will crash! (cwash).

Ridge and Mommy at his Preschool Mother's Day Tea 5-5-11

Ridge sneezes 2 times. Mom says: "Bless you!" R: "I did 2 blesses (bwesses). Mom: ? Ridge: Bless you Bless you. Mom: Oh 2 sneezes! R: "Yeah!"

Mom: "Are you going to go to your Primary class on Sunday?" Ridge: "No." Mom: "Okay, then you know that means no dessert. R: (thinks for a second) "The church is gone-Sorry!"

1 comment:

Carie said...

I wish I wrote down more of the funny things my kids said. These are priceless!