Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ridge the hanger-upper

Ridge cracks us up daily. He is a lot of fun and loves to help. He wakes up, dresses himself and puts his pj's away without being asked. (Unlike ahem other brothers.) A few weeks ago I started noticing clothes hanging up on the door knob of his bedroom. I asked Matt if he had hung up the clothes, which he hadn't and neither had Asher or Jay. Turns out Ridge likes to hang up his clothes at the end of every day. Pants and shirts.

It's awesome.

Today I was walking by and noticed this. Ridge had tackled his AND Asher's pile of clothes and had them all lined up. Now if we can just get him to teach his older brother this, magic trick we would be in business!


Guin said...

That is so cool.

MissRochelle said...

Yay! I'd like to hire Ridge out to hang my laundry.