Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day of School--Aug. 18th, 2010

Wow, where did the summer go? This school year Asher is in (all-day) Kindergarten and Jay is in 2nd grade. They are both smart, happy boys and had a GREAT first day. Our elementary school is WONDERFUL the boys love it there, so that helps me with the tugging I feel on my heartstrings.

Jaydan River: 7 years 5 months

Asher Nickolas: 5 years 5 months

Getting on the bus together

I'm so glad they have each other. (I was a little teary at this point.)

Can you guess which tooth is loose on Jay? I love Asher's face in this one. And yes, I did climb on the bus to take this picture. The bus driver kindly asked me to remind (all) parents that there is a 10 ft. safety zone around the bus and to stay outside that zone. What-ev. Not on the 1st day of school there's not.

Asher and Mrs. Heath (he looks so stoic, but really was excited to be there!)

Ridge giving Asher a hug goodbye.

Jay & Ms. Richardson

After we left the school Ridge kept asking if we were going to his school next. "My turn? My school mom?"

Sweet good natured Jay River.

Ridge will start preschool soon and then I will have 5 hours a week that I am completely alone. We are moving into a new phase of life, which is strange to think about but also exciting. I can't believe how big my boys are getting!

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