Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Rockin' Silver Band

If you ever want to form your own band here are a few pointers to help guide you to success.

1. Have a cool name.

2. Recruit some good looking members to be in your band.

3. Have lots of flyers hanging everywhere, and also activities for children to do during your gigs.

4. You will need a lot of instruments like homemade drums and shakers.

5. Patrons will enjoy a place to wash up from eating their refreshments of popcorn and water. (Apparently, this spot is only for someone named "Hans")

6. The audience LOVES when you jump on the furniture and make up your own diddy's as you go. Especially on a paper guitar.

7. Even with all these steps, you can't please everyone.

Good Luck and keep on ROCKIN'


Meredith said...

How cute and creative! :)

April said...

That's so cute! My kids get creative only every once in a while, but I love it!

Guin said...

When is the first show? What fun!