Matt & I both feel that his mind was blessed or quickened to be able to assess the situation and make the best choices possible in handling the steering of our van with out rolling it. The highway patrol and paramedics could not believe our van did not flip. We were able to walk/hobble away from the accident while the truck driver was life-flighted to the hospital. We were wearing seat belts. The truck driver was not.
The injuries (not including the emotional ones):
Matt: bruises and scrapes over body, air-bag burns on arm, torn ligaments in left wrist, right hand going through the windshield and filled with glass. Aches and pains.
Jamey: one tongue bit through, air-bag burns, bruises, and broken tailbone or as we like to say coccyx.
Jay, Asher & Ridge: seat belt burns across necks, a couple cuts and soreness. Matt's fly-fishing float tube "ended up" landing in front of Jay and acted as sort of an air-bag for him.
As you can see if you are still reading this we were extremely protected in this accident. All 5 of us!
It was a horrible experience, but was also filled with many blessings. The Lord was watching out for the Jeppson family on May 23rd, 2009 at 1:20 p.m.
Here is a picture story board or our car accident. Pictures courtesy of our good friend Jason W.
*Disclaimer: I know I look HORRIBLE! We had been camping and I was wearing the Jenkins' girls "Big & Majestic" T-shirt which isn't very flattering anyway. I'm so happy to have been wearing that to remember this major incident in our family's lives. *
After we had come to a stop, and assessed that we were all alive, Matt led our family in a prayer of gratitude that we were all going to be o.k. and to please bless the driver of the semi- to be alright as well. I felt comfort flood my body that we were all going to be just fine, & that the Lord was in control.
I couldn't feel my legs at this point, but the feeling began to return to them shortly after this prayer.
Me crying. Jay eating a sucker that a sweet lady stopped to give to all the boys. Treats can be very calming to children in tense situations. I can see the wisdom in having some in our 72 hour emergency kits.
I am thankful for the kindness of strangers. The two men who stopped to help right after the accident. "I saw the mini-van and knew there were children! Are you guys o.k? I'm calling 9-11." "Let me see if I can disconnect your horn." (It started blaring on impact and hadn't stopped wailing and was upsetting the boys.) He disconnected the fuse, and the Asher held onto it while eating his sucker.
Our family holding hands, walking/hobbling away. Matt could barely hold Ridge.
Into the arms of friends. Our family away from family. I am thankful for the loving rich friendships we have here in Kansas City.
The diesel.
In this one you can see the through-road where he was trying to turn onto. From the FAR right lane! We gave our "statements" to his insurance company a couple days ago, and we learned he has been released from the hospital, so that is good. So far they have been very accommodating.
Our van.
At the tow-yard. Emptying out our belongings. I'm thankful for friends who will empty out your car while you stand around and look on b/c you are still in shock & feel like you are in a dream.
This picture makes me feel sick inside.
Saying goodbye to our van. It was a good car. We will be getting a "new" one soon. We already have new car seats. I don't love mini-vans per say, but I do love them for this stage of life we are in. They are so convenient and roomy. Plus this one did a DANG good job of protecting us. I am thankful for insurance.