Sunday, March 15, 2009

Asher is FOUR!

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 Asher Nickolas Jeppson turned 4. Asher is a name we picked from the bible that means happy, blessed. Nickolas is in memory of my brother Nickolas Marion Jenkins. My sweet father's name is also Nick. It's just a great name all around.
We are so happy and blessed to have Asher in our family!

The birthday boy's day consisted of:
1. Waking up to a decorated room of streamers and balloons.
2. Free choice of breakfast cereal. (He chose a sugar cereal)
3. Lunch of choice. (McDonalds)
4. Dinner with no chores
5. Cake, presents & play time. We are going to do a joint (no gift) party with friends later in the month.
Asher wanted to have a Wall-e cake for his birthday so once again, Matt delivered the goods. He stayed up late decorating the cake because he had been outside putting together a joint surprise present for the boys. (Jay's b. day is coming up this week.)

The birthday boy.

Surprise, it's a trampoline!

Helping dad put the springs on.

Trying it out in the freezing cold.

Warming up inside with some miniature golf. The perfect day. Thank you to G&G Jeppson & Muffin & Punkin for the fun gifts!


Carie said...

Happy Bday Asher. We Skinners are big fans, especially Avery. :)

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday to Asher!!!! SO FUN that he got a trampoline...Jackson would be so jealous (if he knew what jealousy was! lol!)

Brenna said...

Um, so Matt drew that Wall-E? Very impressive. Heck with Environmental Law...follow your destiny...become a cake decorater!
Happy day Ash!