Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a concussion looks like...

*I wrote this the night this happened in an email to family. I took the pictures right after it happened, but before I knew he had fallen down the entire flight of stairs. Jay was comforting Ash, & I thought it was sweet so got out the camera. THEN he fell asleep and I thought "Uh-oh." I did take the camera to the ER but was so upset at that time, I didn't take any pictures. *

Asher took a major fall down our stairs today (Tues. Feb. 17th) wearing his duvet cover like a mummy. I didn't see it happen but heard him smack his head on our wood floor. I thought he had just fallen while walking around but then he told me he fell down the whole flight of stairs. I guess he had inch wormed his little self up and then fell. He promptly fell asleep right after his fall and when I woke him was very out of it, & couldn't tell me his name, or his brother's names.
Matt got home and we dropped off boys with friends thank you Carie! (oh how I wish we lived closer to family at times like this!) and we took him to the ER. He started throwing up on the way there which is another sign of a concussion and also fell "asleep" a couple more times. Long story short and a CT scan later, he has a concussion, major headache and sore bones and continues to throw up. No internal damage though. He looked so tiny/pitiful in the big CT machine and held perfectly still like they asked him too, even when the scanner wasn't working at first!

Right after the fall, still in his cocoon.

Jay comforting his brother.

When I said, "Come on Ash, you need to wake up." He kept saying, "but I wike sweep, I want to sweep."

After our adventure to the ER he had perked up quite a bit and was calling the throw up bag they gave us his hat. He's been great since the incident minus some moodiness. Not sure how much of that is from the concussion or from being three.
Matt & I both hugged our children a little tighter that night. So thankful our little family is safe.


Meredith said...

I'm so glad he's ok. Poor guy!

Suzi said...

Poor Ash!! Holy doo...if it's not one thing, it's another?! At least he went down in style. SWEET COCOON. ;) So glad he's OK.

Kristin said...

Poor little guy. So happy to hear all is well. I've have three concusions, no fun at all, keep the tylonl flowing for the poor little guy, he'll need it trust me.

Harmony said...

Oh goodness!! I'm glad it wasn't any worse. He looks miserable in those pictures. Good thing he has great parents and sweet brothers to take care of him!!

April said...

Wow! Thankfully I have yet to take any kids to the ER!! Hope he feels better soon! That's scary!!

Norris Fam said...

Did they remember your family from the snake bite trip to the ER??? You guys are regulars, get better soon!

Clarissa said...

So scary. Glad he's alright.

Holly Ogden said...

Wow. The life of a mom with boys. Glad he is getting better!

Megan said...

How scary! I am glad he is ok and wearing his puke bag as a hat....

amberd. said...

How scary for you. Licoln pulled that on me once.... Falls = hysterical mother. I'm glad you had the peace of mind to get pics. Brothers are so sweet.