Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Christmas Eve at the Jeppson's consisted of lots of yummy food, grandpa reading stories to the grandkids,
Great grandpa Paul Jeppson telling the Jeppson family Christmas story. He was one of the children in the story re-told by President Monson. We have a copy of the book for each of our children with a special inscription from great grandpa.

Catching a few shots of Ridge and his new hobby of trying on everyone's shoes.

The reading of the Christmas story out of Luke 2, with dramatic interpretation from the grandkids and yours truly. (I was the angel this year...Kinda.)

We got to Skype with Stefanie & Rob who are in China. It was already Christmas day for them over there. China does not recognize Christmas as a holiday but Rob took the day off from school anyhow. This is a picture Matt took of Scott giving Stef & Rob a tour of the Christmas eve festivities. The internet truly is a wonderful thing in situations like this. It was so fun to see and visit with them!
Stockings on Christmas morning. Sorry about my no make-up face. Someone had to hold Ridge in place for the picture. *Also notice the Rain forrest christmas tree. It is stuffed full of monkeys, lizards, frogs, fairies, glittery bugs, feathers and fun. It is a kid's dream tree.

The older boys got bikes and OH yeah, were they excited! Santa Claus had two bikes waiting for them here in Kansas City when we got home. That Santa sure thinks of everything!
Asher wasted no time getting into his stocking treats. (The boys got Batman pajamas on Christmas eve.)
We finished up the morning with a huge yummy breakfast, clean up and then Scott, Kim and Co. came up for more visiting games & fun.
One of the highlights for me was to be able to talk on the phone with my brother Seth. He is serving a mission in Honduras. I couldn't stop the tears of joy when I heard his voice. It made me so happy to visit with him and hear him bear testimony of the work he is doing for our Lord. It was a great day.

We are so blessed to live in this country and to be able to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I am thankful to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.


flem-fam said...

JJ, I wish I looked like you when I have on no makeup. You know as well as anyone that it is NOT a pretty sight!!!

Meredith said...

What a neat Christmas tree, I bet your boys (including Matt) loved it!!! And isn't technology so great that you can video chat with loved ones?! I love it!

amberd. said...

oh man. Merry Christmas! How sweet! I love the shoe trying on thing by Ridge. All my kids did that and I LOVE it. Sweet bike. How did you get that thing home?

Brenna said...

I want Great Grampa Paul to sign my copy of that book. What a neat thing for your kids to have!!

All of you Jeppsons are lookin' good! No make up faces and all! I am so glad Steph and her hubby got to make an apperance.