Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Ridge has been up to

At 15 months, Ridge is the caboose of our family. Therefore, he gets to put up with a lot of bossing from older brothers. Lucky for all of us that most of the time he enjoys being bossed. We all know that won't last forever.

Here is a picture of some kind of diaper fortress that Asher built for Ridge to sit in. (Lined with pillow walls for security of course.) Notice the gentle coercing that is going on.

Ridge stays so busy he has been falling asleep in his high chair a lot lately.

Messy frosting face.

Ridge enjoys carrying this pool ring all around the house. He loves to sit in it, and wear it around his neck.

Another diaper themed type of play going on.

First ice-cream cone in the park

Trying to grab the camera!

Reading scriptures with daddy

This picture makes me a little sad. He is growing up so fast, & is starting to prefer being out of my arms as opposed to being safely in them.


Meredith said...

Oh my goodness! That last picture of Ridge kills me! It totally pulls at your heartstrings. He's growing up sooooo fast!

Amber said...

Those boys of yours are so CUTE! And your basement story was a great memory to blog. Probably did not seem funny at the time but some day it will be.. right? :)

MissRochelle said...

Ridge man is so adorable! I hope my kids are half as cute as yours!

Tera said...

I can't believe how fast time flies. Your boys are so cute. I especially love the quotes on the side bar. Priceless!

Brenna said...

Sniffle, sniffle, tear on that last pic and description. Those are great shots of that busy boy!