It's amusing to me that I am so much better about journaling our lives through a blog then with pen & paper. I think it excites me just a little bit to know this will be a book that will make up some of our stories. I also love that I don't have to do any cutting or gluing of pictures/paper.
San Diego Trip May 2008
At the K.C. airport waiting for the non-stop flight to S.D. Anything non-stop is great, especially with kidlets.

The family at Sea World watching the Shamu show. If you look behind Matt's head, the white ball cap is Sam.

La Jolla

Through one of Matt's herpetological connections we met up with Jeff Lemm who works for the San Diego Zoo/Wild Animal Park. He graciously gave us free tickets to both, and pointers on the animals to see first when you go to the zoo. (The Pandas and Polar Bears.) They are awake and waiting to be fed. We were rewarded for our efforts to book it to the back of the zoo first thing:

Behind the scenes tour with Jeff Lemm & his son Matthew. I can't remember the name of this rare iguana, but will put the name in when I find out.

Jay thinks this is a glossy snake. He and Matt went road cruising many times.

matt looks like he was in herp heaven!
Sooooo fun. Behind the scenes at the San Diego Zoo? Matt's herping excursions are paying off! Very cool!
Jay is right. Smart kid.
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