We had a neat experience with the boys and prayer while we were in Maui...
On Sunday we were trying to get to church. After driving around for 30 minutes we were definitely lost. We were going on previous memories & we didn't have an address.
So, I say to the boys, "why don't we say a prayer to ask Heavenly Father to help us find the church so we can go to sacrament meeting today?" They agreed and so I prayed while Matt continued to drive, asking the Lord to help us find the church, but I also had a prayer in my heart that He would help us teach the boys about prayer.
Well, right when I said "Amen" our phone rang and it was Jamie (s.i.l.) & Wendy who were in a different car, they had found the church after also being lost and gave us directions so we could get there. Also at that exact moment Matt's GPS started working (which hadn't been working in Hawaii at all up to that point).
We talked with the boys about how Heavenly Father had answered our prayer (the phone rang with directions and the GPS started working). We told them that they could pray to Him for anything they need. I was emotional and am again as I type this, but wanted to write it down as one of our family stories. I am so thankful, the Lord knows our hearts and needs. In this circumstance, not only to find the church but parents' desire to teach their sons about prayer. I am humbled that the Lord is aware of us so personally. I need to be better about being more open to receiving his blessings.
On a cute note, after church on the way home Jay asked "Should we say a prayer so we can get home?"
Such an amazingly wonderful story! If only we could have more experiences like that more often!
Definitely a story to record. Thanks for sharing. I hope you did find your way home, especially with Matt driving!
What a great family memory! You and I are going to have to talk about the best places to go in Hawaii because Corey and I really want to go there. The boys are so cute in their matching shirts. :)
What a great lesson about prayer! I love what Jay said on the way home-cute!
Love it!!!! I also love your sassy new background roooar!
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