Here are some more pictures from our trip to paradise. Up until the last day, Ridge was wary of the sand and noisy waves. Then he decides to literally roll around in the waves and get into Rob's sandcastles! Uncle Rob was so patient & soft spoken with all the kids. They all love him and wanted to play with him. (Thanks for sharing your hubby Stef.) We are so glad he is in our family.

Here is one of Sam & Wendy with all the grandkids. They had such a great time playing together. Trips like this are really special. They help the cousins get to know each other, play and just BE together. My boys are still waking up asking where their cousins are. THANK YOU Sam & Wendy for such a wonderful trip!

This year our awesome wardrobe was put together by Stefanie. She was working at J. Crew in Honolulu and got us all outfitted really nice. Thanks for all your work on that Stef!
We tried to do family pictures in the afternoon, but it was super windy. Hopefully someone else got a better shot on their camera. At least we are all together, with a gorgeous background!

This picture makes me smile everytime I see it. The 2 super skinny boys finishing off the ice-cream. It was a funny sight.

I'm so lucky that Matt is such a great husband AND father. Our boys love him so much.

Asher checking out the shells Jay and Matt found while snorkeling.

Ash also had to kind of warm up to the waves. Once he got the hang of it, the ocean waves were built in entertainment. Today he woke up and said "we should go to the ocean today mom!" He also has been asking for POG everyday. (Passion, orange, guava juice.)

Your trip looks like so much fun! I love that pic of Ridge in the sand!
I am so jealous of your awesome trip! You guys have a great family and to be able to get together in a place like Maui...makes our reunion-ing of camping on a mountain in Utah look wimpy!
*sigh* jcrew, maui, ice cream, sandcastles, AND matching shirts.
Is that what heaven is like?
SO cute!!! I LOVE Maui!! It looks like it was SO much fun!! So jealous!
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