Here is one of my boys at Kula Lodge. We love how Ridge is peeking behind Jay's head as if to say "I'm here!" Asher is holding a Jackson chameleon. I think we found about 14 of them in about an hour. They are really neat lizards. I like them because they are SLOW, not fast and creepy.

Spencer is such a fun kid to be around. He really did not like this life jacket since it was obviously too small, but when I said, "Hey Spence, let me get a picture of you in your jacket" he graciously paused his activities for a pose.

Matt, Stef & Rob found these treasures while out snorkeling. Yes, the shells are beautiful but the ones that still had snails inside are stinking up my back yard right now.

Ash holding a male Jackson chameleon. I know I've said it before, but I seriously love this kid so much. Just LOOK at that face!

Gage & Asher playing with a cockroach (of all things!) Yes, I know it's disgusting, but they were calling it their "little friend", and saying stuff like "be careful with him, it's my turn!" Had to get a picture.

How fun!!!! These pics make me miss my nephews so much! I just want to squeeze them! Love the pic of the boys with ridge peeking through, and ashers face is so funny in every picture! Glad you are home. We have been so sick, finally went to the doctor yesterday and all 3 of us girls got on antibiotics. If we are feeling better we are goiing to c-bad tomorrow. love ya
I love the look on Asher's face holding the lizard...priceless! And Jay is SO handsome!
So fun! These pictures are priceless. By the way, I looked up Blurb after you mentioned it in a post a while back and I LOVE IT! It's my new scrapbooking tool. Thanks for sharing!
Jamey, its me Vicki. Sari is attempting to help me start a blog! love you
These pics are so fun Jamey! Your boys are too dang cute. You must be so proud! :)
You brought home LIVE snails just for the shell? Poor little critters withering away. Come on Matt, where is the conservationist love? :)(I just wish I could have collected cowries with you.)
Asher's expression holding that chameleon is utter joy and hesitation all at once. Super cute. It definfitely put a smile on my face.
LOVE love love these pictures of your boys+family. That one of Ridge peeking . . . then Asher's face with the lizard- adorable!
(I am pleased to see that Matt smiles for your pictures.)
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