It's past time to take the plunge & my sister is threatening to make the switch for me. (Thanks Sari!) She recently read a blogs gone wrong article...
Anyhow, please leave me a comment with your email address or email me if you want an invite to our "new and improved" but really just the same only private blog.
It will probably be about a week before I switch it over. I will most likely create a pseudo public blog to announce new posts that you can put on your blog lines or google reader programs. My email is:
jameyjeppson at gmail dot com
hey jamey, ryan and i would love to be invited to your new blog. here is the address:
I hope we make the cut!! :)
Hi Jamey, I am just entering the world of blogging and would love to be invited to your blog... Jessica Cox and
I want on--you've got the email already...
You have my email right? I hate that Private blogs don't have the feeds. Uuurrhhgggg!!
Chad wants me to switch to private too, but I just haven't done it! Let me know how easy/hard it is!! My address is:
What did your sister read about blogs gone wrong...we all want to keep our little families safe!
Add me to your list.
You've got my email.
I so enjoy your blog - please invite me!
ooh, ooh, me to, me to!
(that would be: me too, me too!) Sorry for the grammatical error.
I've thought about the whole private thing. Haven't quite decided. You'll have to let me know how the transition goes.
I am curious about the article your sister sent you.
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