Monday, October 6, 2008

Catch & "Release" Video


Meredith said...

Wow he really chucked that fish! lol!

Holly Ogden said...

So cute! I love it that your boys are as into fishing and animals as their dad. And Jay has quite an arm on him. Nice throw!

Norris Fam said...

Wow! That was one humongous fish! What must he have been thinking as he was flying through the air?!? :)

Stefanie Stephenson said...

:( Thanks to the commies (Chinese communist government) I don't get to see any of these videos.. you'll have to save them for me for another time. At least they finally allowed blogspot to be open thanks to the olympics. Oh commies!

Brenna said...

I fear Jay is going to be just like his dad...Matt what have you done? We are calling PETA. :)
I love Asher having the time of his life just he and the net in the background.