We took the boys fishing last weekend-- the boys fished and I took pictures & read my book.
Jay opted to use his homemade rod (a stick with a fly,) and Asher used a Spiderman rod that was broken except for one eyelet. The boys caught lots of fish all on their own and with the help of dad too.
Jay opted to use his homemade rod (a stick with a fly,) and Asher used a Spiderman rod that was broken except for one eyelet. The boys caught lots of fish all on their own and with the help of dad too.

Jay letting Ridge touch his fish. R. loved it. Another fisherman in the making...
Disclaimer: Matt put those blue socks on Ridge with the green crocs, not me.

One of the things we love about Ridge is that if you are stationary anywhere he likes to back in to our lap and sit right where we are. Especially with Matt. Whenever Matt gets home from work R. books it to daddy and won't let him out of his sight.

Oh the adventures these two have in store!

The fisher"men" in action

Asher found this live crayfish all by himself

Matt helping Ash with his catch, while Ridge looks on with his P.B. sandwich

You have a beautiful family! I'm so happy to have found you again, or that you found me on goodreads!
The one of Ash and Jay from behind is framable! They seriously have so many adventures ahead, especially with Matt as their dad!
I am impressed with your fishing lingo...eyelet?
thank you for the blue sock, green croc clarification. we can still be friends.
Now all you need is a baby girl that you can go shopping with while the boys fish :)
Do you put nylons on your sons and husband's legs? They are so TAN!
My favorite is the picture of Jay and Asher from behind. It looks like Asher is doing a Matt 1980's Christmas special itch/grab...If you know what I mean :)
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